MyCDA Privacy Notice

Please note the information below in addition to our privacy statement in Veracity

What personal data in MyCDA is collected when setting-up a profile as a ‘Expert’?

  • A Technical Expert in this context is someone who is assessed and deemed to be competent by DNV as the Competent Design Authority or Registrant (approver/appraiser). The following personal data are collected as a minimum when requesting access to MyCDA either as an Organisational User or a competent Technical Expert; first and last names, contact details (e.g. email, mobile number or office address) and employment organisation.
  • The Technical Experts are free to update their employment history/details (start and end date), and academic/ professional qualifications at any point after that. The Technical Experts, however, cannot add/remove personal data concerning their competence to undertake design work, such is the remit of Competent Design Authorities (CDAs).
  • However, the Technical Experts have the option of removing themselves from the search result by unticking a checkbox in the personal settings page.

Who are the recipients of this data and whom this is share with?

  • The data is shared with other ‘Experts’ who are registered on MyCDA, Organisational Users and DNV admin personnel responsible for maintaining MyCDA. Organisational Users are not ‘Experts’ but registered to access MyCDA with the intent of identifying suitable Technical Experts (design Approvers and/or Appraisers) from MyCDA.

Why this personal data is stored for which purpose?

  • This is to satisfy the requirement that only Competent Designers can undertake design work in their respective disciplines. This requirement is driven by various management procedures e.g. T/PM/G/35 or GL/5 which incorporate the philosophy of both PSSR and COMAH, both of which are UK Statutory Regulations.
  • The legal basis is Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR (legitimate interest). It is in the technical expert’ interest to have their certificates easily accessible to allow them to share it with others and thereby enabling job opportunities as it suits.
  • MyCDA is an online register of people competent to carry out design work. The personal data is stored so that users are able to search for a Technical Expert who can approve and/or appraise a specific design job and also for Technical Experts to enable their information to be searched for.

For Technical Experts how long is the data retained for?

  • The certification is valid for 5 years following which if it is not renewed, the data will be moved into ‘ archive’ for 1 year, then automatically deleted from the system.